My Favourite Development Books 2023
I have read hundreds of books over the last 25 years years and some of them have had a profound effect on me. In this post, I list my all-time Top 10 favourite software development books.
Testing C# with F#
Did you know that in modern .Net Solutions, projects using different .Net languages can happily co-exist? This means that you can use the best tool for the job such as F# for your domain logic and C# for your UI or, as we do in this blog post, test C# code with F#.
Retrospective 2022
I don’t normally do retrospectives but this year has been extraordinary for a number of reasons with soaring highs and deep lows. We’ve also had a long period of enforced isolation due to COVID Restrictions that adversely affected me more than I realised at the time.
Introduction to Interfaces in Go
In the last post, we looked at how to solve the use case from Chapter 1 of my Essential F# ebook using my limited knowledge of Go. In this post, we will use my new understanding of interfaces in Go to solve the same problem.
I’m Learning to Program in Go
In this post, my first since starting to learn Go, I will work through the use case from Chapter 1 of Essential F# and show you how I think writing Go from a .NET dev perspective.